Archive for September, 2011
Mismatched Models
Most advocates of Human Space Flight programs always model HSF with the airplane model. Government subsidized at first and eventually private for profit companies would take over. Airplane companies that got too dependent on the government subsidies failed, but airlines [Read More]
Human Space Flight Trivia Week 7
First of all my apologies. I had to take care of some duties at home that prevented me from posting the newest question at the regular time. Because of that, answers will be accepted for this week’s questions until next Monday night at midnight EST. The HSF Trivia [Read More]
Two is One and One is None.
There is an old saying, “Two is one and one is none.” It means that if you have only one critical item, and that item breaks, then you have none. Having two of the same critical item ensures that work can continue if one breaks. Many of you have been in [Read More]
Human Space Flight Trivia Week 6
The HSF Trivia Week Five question was: Which Launch Complex/Pad was used during the Mercury Program? The answer is: Launch Complex 14 was the site where American astronauts were launched into Earth Orbit during the Mercury Program. The winner was Abby L. Congratulations [Read More]