Archive for June, 2011
A Surreal Day
Last Thursday I received a email invite from Brevard Workforce, asking me to participate in a Townhall meeting hosted by CBS news anchor Scott Pelley for the show 60 Minutes. On Saturday I drove over to Brevard County and had the most surreal day I’ve had for a long [Read More]
I Want to Thank Our 35,000 Readers!
Today is a special day for RV-103 and her crew. Today we have reached 35,000 unique readers to our little blog. When we started this blog in 2009, we never thought we would have the readership that we have now. On behalf of the RV-103 crew, I want to thank you for [Read More]
Shuttle Launch Director’s Message to His Firing Room Team.
Mike Leinbach, the launch director at Kennedy Space Center, ran the final launch simulation the other day in prepreation for the final Space Shuttle launch scheduled for July 8th. He took a minute or two to speak to his entire Firing Room Team and most eloquently summed [Read More]
Now the Republican Presidential Candidates Are Abandoning Our Nation’s Human Space Flight Program
Last night in the New Hampshire Republican Presidential debates, all the candidates were asked, “…whether they would continue Federal Funding for Human Space flight.” Not one single candidate raised their hand. Not a single one! You can read the story [Read More]
RV-103 is Finally on Facebook.
Well after hundreds of invitations filling up my mailbox and several conversations with friends and family wanting me to join, I’ve finally set up a Facebook page. You can find my page under “Gregory Cecil Clearwater Florida.” So far I’ve found [Read More]