Archive for December, 2010
Product Review: McAfee Anti-Virus
I have been a user of McAfee Anti-Virus programs for a number of years now. The programs have done thier job pretty well in finding and removing viruses, though they have never done well in finding and stopping adware (I use Ad-Aware to handle that task). Overall I [Read More]
Good Post on Diabetes
My father wrote a great piece on diabetes that I thought I would share with you all. You can check it out here. Feel free to leave a comment on his site and let him know his wandering son in the RV sent you there. P.S. More posts will be coming later after the holidays [Read More]
The Misadventures of Canning
As most of you have probably noticed, prices for food and gas has risen quite a bit lately. In fact, reports that our current annual inflation rate as of October 2010 is at 7.1% Like other folks, we like to save money and thought that canning some of our [Read More]
11-22 to 11-24-2010 Re-entry Back to Florida and the End of Mission #3
Day One Early Monday morning we packed up and started the long trip back home. With the tank already filled and the car loaded, we started off just before the rain started which I was thankful for. Our goal was to reach the southern border of WV at a travel plaza in [Read More]