The misadventures of Commander Merlin and the crew of RV-103
Monday December 30th 2013

Archive for October, 2010

Rocketman to be Interviewed on The Space Show

On Wednesday, November 3rd, Rocketman will be the subject of a 1 1/2 hour interview conducted by Dr. David M. Livingston on the podcast The Space Show.  The live interview will start at 10 PM EST and end at 11:30 PM EST.  “The Space Show® focuses on timely and [Read More]

Elmira New York’s Most Famous Resident

A visit to Mark Twain's study in Elmira NY. [Read More]

Political Endorsements

Some folks in the space community are not too keen on public political endorsements, so they sometimes take offense when someone in their  community takes a stand and supports a candidate.  Since Human Space Flight programs are decided and funded by politicians, I [Read More]

Why the Internet is a Better Source of News

Neithercorp Press just recently published a essay titled, “The Mainstream Media is Now Obsolete” written by Giordano Bruno.  In it he discusses why mainstream news organizations are failing due to inept and sometimes deliberate journalism malpractice and the [Read More]

Questions That Keep You Up At Night

Did NASA sit on the data that revealed the Moon had twice as much water than previously thought until after Congress and Obama killed Constellation a few weeks ago? [Read More]

The World Lost a Good Man Yesterday: Edward Nichols 8-19-1953 to 10-06-2010

My good friend Edward Nichols was killed yesterday in an auto accident in North Carolina.  None of you know him, but he has impacted literally hundreds of lives in WV, NC, and Vietnam. I first got to know Ed when I worked as a paramedic at Tri-State Ambulance in the late [Read More]

Latest Topics

Goodbye and GodSpeed Discovery RV-103.

Goodbye and GodSpeed Discovery RV-103.

What can I say, but that it is an end to a major chapter in our lives.  Today I turned over the keys to our great and [Read More]

CollisionTEC: A Review

CollisionTEC: A Review

Towards the end of Mission #2, RV-103 had a mishap with a pole, as detailed here.  Last month, I finally got an [Read More]

Breaking News: Obama proposes an end to NASA’s Planetary Science Program

Breaking News: Obama proposes an end to NASA’s Planetary Science Program

“Word has leaked out that in its new budget, the Obama administration intends to terminate NASA’s planetary [Read More]

Mismatched Models

Mismatched Models

Most advocates of Human Space Flight programs always model HSF with the airplane model.  Government subsidized at [Read More]

Human Space Flight Trivia Week 7

Human Space Flight Trivia Week 7

First of all my apologies.  I had to take care of some duties at home that prevented me from posting the newest [Read More]

