Archive for July, 2010
Letchworth and Stony Brook State Parks
I am sorry for the long delay in posting to RV-103. Gypsy and I have been busy enjoying the State of NY and I now finally have some time to sit down and write. We have been doing some hiking in two local state parks, Letchworth and Stony Brook. I’ve written about [Read More]
Join the Misadventures!
RV-103 is proud to announce the RV-103 Lecture Series. The RV-103 Lecture Series is designed to present to civic groups, schools 5th grade and up, and scout troops what it is like to be involved and work in Human Space Flight, specifically the Space Shuttle Program. The [Read More]
NASA Administrator: Forget the Moon, Let’s Worship Allah and Sing Kum Ba Yah!
I was going to do some RV type posts today, but then this story came up on Fox News that just blows my mind. It is said, ”Reality is stranger than fiction,” and stories like this prove that cliche’ so true. It seems that NASA Administrator Charlie [Read More]
Civil War: America’s First Space Battle and it’s on Earth!!!
Although Obama and NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden have tried since January 2010 to push Obama’s Power Point plan as America’s new Human Space Flight Program, calling the matter “settled”, seven months later it is far from settled and a Civil War has broken [Read More]