- Congresswoman Kosmas, Senator Bill Nelson, and Obama arrive at KSC on April 15th, 2010.
Some folks in the space community are not too keen on public political endorsements, so they sometimes take offense when someone in their community takes a stand and supports a candidate. Since Human Space Flight programs are decided and funded by politicians, I personally think it is prudent for aerospace workers to find, support, vote, and endorse candidates that will be the best for our nation’s Human Space Flight Program. It only makes sense if you think about it. When working on spacecraft, a technician and engineer will always seek out the best tool/part to complete the work. Space hardware is expensive and paid for by the taxpayer, so it should have only the best. The same goes for choosing a politician.
Many people at Kennedy Space Center actively vote each election, probably more than the general population, but that is usually the extent of their participation in the political process. After Obama, Congresswoman Kosmas, and Senator Nelson visited KSC and killed our nation’s HSF in such a cowardly and public manner, it gavlanized many in the 10,000 strong workforce to become much more politically active. I am one of them and recently wrote a letter to Florida Today in Brevard County endorsing publically two congressional candidates that serve Brevard County and KSC.
At this time, Florida Today has not published my letter (this is my second letter to them), but the frequent readers of Florida Today wouldn’t be surprised by that. Anyway, Sandy Adams, who is running to replace Congresswoman Kosmas, did publish my letter here.
Remember, elections do have real life consequences as we have found out at KSC. Be an educated and active voter.
- Brevard County's Future?
November 3rd, 2010 Update: Suzanne Kosmas has joined the ranks of the unemployed thanks to the KSC workers by a two to one margin. Sandy Adams will become the Congresswoman representing Kennedy Space Center and hopefully will do a much better job than Kosmas could have ever done. Well done KSC workers…well done!
Next up is Senator Bill Nelson in 2012. Never forget his betrayal KSC…never forget.