As some of you may have noticed, has been absent from the web for 5 days. There is a reason for that. Five days ago, WordPress, the program I use for my blog, released an update version 3.0.5. I dutifully downloaded the update and installed it. Suddenly, I could not get access to my site nor could anyone else! After a few hours working on the problem, I contacted my friend Bobby at the server that hosts the site. It took Bobby and a co-worker of his all their skills to purge the update and get my web page files back in order. Kudos to them, job well done guys! Bobby has strongly suggested that from now on, anytime WordPress issues an update, wait one month before downloading it and installing it to ensure they got all the bugs worked out. Wise advice that I will always heed from now on.
As for WordPress, this the second time that they have released an update prematurely and caused my site to crash. WordPress does not make it easy to contact them ( I emailed their co-founderMatt Mullenweb and am still awaiting a reply.); instead they want you to visit their forums and talk with their volunteers to try to solve the problem. I visited the WordPress site right after the crash, and found many ticked off bloggers and website owners along with few volunteers from WordPress giving conflicting advice. Well I have some advice for WordPress;
Now, back to out regularly scheduled programing.